Westbridge provides investors high, predictable monthly income by acquiring select businesses with long operating histories and strong management teams

Average Returns of 10.67%* p.a. over the Past Eight Years (up to December 2024)
Westbridge Capital Partners Income Trust (the Fund) is structured to provide investors a predictable high yield and upside from equity
We’re in it for the
Long Haul
Westbridge Capital is a private equity firm that specializes in the acquisition of mature operating companies with great management teams.
If you are ready to retire or exit, we’ll partner with your management team to facilitate the next steps.
17 Years of Proven Expertise in Private Equity
Westbridge Capital is a private equity firm that specializes in the acquisition of mature operating companies.
Our long-term investment philosophy aligns the interests of Westbridge Capital with those of the Fund unitholders.
What We Do
We structure our deals to provide management significant ownership. This allows us to ensure a long-term alignment of interests with an ongoing focus on quality of management and stability of earnings.
With our unique model, we are able to provide liquidity to an underserved market that benefits both owners and management.
Our Portfolio
We believe one of the most fundamental ways to reduce risk is through diversification. We therefore aim to diversify by both industry and geography, with current projects in multiple industries, spread across North America.
Our well-diversified portfolio of high-yield debt is designed to reduce our investors’ exposure to any one company, industry or geography.
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